Monarch city AND THE BEE LINE
Monarch butterflies, bumblebees and other beautiful pollinators have more places to land and feed, at Frogtown Green's prairie gardens.
Pollinator-friendly plantings are maintained by volunteers at Monarch City, encircling three sides of the West Minnehaha Recreation Center, at 685 Minnehaha Avenue.
On a summer day, 10,000 square of feet of prairie plants and pollinator habitat are alive with native bees, butterflies and birds! Monarch City is home to Minnesota's state bee, the Rusty-patched bumblebee.
Take a quick look at some "early bloomers" in this online slide show. or view the Monarch City Plant Collection.
Monarch City is part of the Bee Line, a larger project to plant pollinator-friendly gardens along a 2.5 mile stretch of Pierce Butler Route.